Sentinel Gold Logo


Forgotten your username?

Click here to get your username.

Forgotten your password?

Click here to reset your password.

We have recently improved the Sign In security procedures on your Sentinel® Gold website, and now require each individual member to have a unique Username and Password.

This change impacts all policies where more than one person activated their membership online prior to the 2 April 2009, and currently share the same Username and Password. All policyholders, including household members, who created their Username and Password before this date will need to complete the online activation process again now.

To complete the online activation process and create your new Username and Password click 'Already a member', complete the form and press ‘Submit’. This will provide you with your new unique Username and Password and you will continue to have access to the full benefits of Sentinel® Gold.

If this issue does not relate to you, or you are still having difficulties signing in, please contact Membership Services.